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Interested in learning? Want to grow your capabilities? Indigenous? If you answered yes to these questions, then consider applying for the Parsons’ Giant Mine Remediation Project (GMRP) scholarship. Your academic and personal achievements and your willingness to learn could earn you a $3,000 scholarship.

Parsons is providing five scholarships valued at $3,000 each to students enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution studying one of the following:

  • Office administration
  • Environmental sciences
  • Geosciences
  • Business administration
  • Currently participating in or preparing for an apprenticeship
  • In a program that prepares for work as a construction manager, project estimator, or project management professional

The successful scholarship applicant will be eligible for financial support in the 2024-2025 academic year. Apply now for the Parsons’ GMRP scholarship. Open to all Indigenous Yellowknife and Tłichǫ area students.


Potential Work Opportunities with Parsons
or Their Subcontractors

Course work to complete business administration/certification program

Office administration certificate program (one year) or diploma (two years)

  • Contracts administrator support
  • Office administration
  • Office assistant
  • Socioeconomic development officer

Prequalification requirements for external certified programs

  • Construction management
  • Estimator
  • Project manager

Enrollment in Aurora College apprenticeship programs

  • Skilled craft (trades) and experienced project labourers that would be in demand by local contractors

Value:                                                 $3,000 for the 2024-2025 academic year
Deadline for application:              July 28, 2024
Award:                                               Upon confirmation that student commences classes in the fall

Eligibility: Applicant must:

  • be of Indigenous ancestry
  • be a resident of Behchoko, Dettah, Gameti, N’Dilo, Wekweti, Whati, or Yellowknife
  • be enrolled full time (100 percent course load) for one of the above referenced potential work opportunities
  • be accepted and starting classes in fall 2024
  • intend to work in the Northwest Territories after successful completion of the program.

Required documents: Applicant must submit:

  • most recent transcript
  • completed application
  • current resume
  • proof of Indigenous status
  • proof of resident of the Northwest Territories.

To request the application contact:

Aaron Braumberger, Socioeconomic Development Manager                             
Giant Mine Remediation Project
Phone: 343.999.6458