Solicitation No. PQ for RFP-476721-0078
Parsons, as the Main Construction Manager (MCM) for the Giant Mine Remediation Project (GMRP) and acting as both the Mine Manager and Prime Contractor, will be soliciting Prequalification for a Request for Proposal for a Coarse Grain Borrow subcontract at Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Work will consist of Coarse Grain Borrow production. This work will include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Clearing and grubbing vegetation from coarse-grained quarries and aggregate processing facility (APF) Areas.
- Excavation of contaminated soil and sediment overburden from coarse-grained quarries and APF Areas and disposed of on-site in a manner consistent with the Waste MMP.
- Excavation and stockpiling of fine-grained overburden from coarse-grained quarries and APF Areas for project re-use.
- Development of APF Areas to baseline surface grade that meets closure criteria, and construction of surface water management infrastructure.
- Connecting provided electrical substation transformer on skid to provide power drops at Northwest Shaft APF and North Pond APF. Connecting equipment and infrastructure to provide electrical transformer for use in aggregate production and management.
- Supply, installation, maintenance, and operation of truck weight scale.
- Construction of access haul roads to connect coarse-grained quarries and APF Areas to existing site-wide mine haul roads.
- Development of coarse-grained quarries and production of aggregate material gradations.
- Stockpiling and management of aggregate material gradations.
- Manage and control water at the coarse-grained quarries and developed APF Areas (including stockpiling) with embankment, ditches, and culverts during active remediation, adaptive management, and post-closure phases.
- Manage and control sediment and erosion at the coarse-grained quarries and APF Areas such as silt fencing, berms, and ditches to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff.
- Drilling, blasting, excavating and hauling unprocessed blast rock.
- Quality control activities to monitor the geological variation and geochemical quality of the quarry bedrock including field and laboratory verification.
- Quality control activities compare sieve results against the gradation specifications.
- Hauling and application of water for dust suppressant during operation of the quarry and APF areas
- Material Management, keeping track of inventory and adjusting aggregate production to meet demand.
- Special features of the Work include:
- Construction of the NPSW Channels, Fish Barrier and Plunge Pool connection with Baker Creek Reach 6 within the NPSW Quarry.
- Closure, Stabilization and Collapse of existing underground infrastructure at the former Brock Pit, including the Brock Shaft and Portal and associated drifts.
Parsons is committed to ensuring procurement is conducted in a fair, open and transparent manner while meeting Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement (CLCA) commitments and the Government of Canada’s procurement objectives regarding Indigenous opportunities. Competitive proposals will be solicited using the MERX Canadian Public Tenders website to select the best value firm to deliver the product to the Giant Mine in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Please visit for news and updates on the Giant Mine Remediation Project!